Passwordless Authetication: Types, Advantages & Challenges

Passwordless login allows user to login to an account without entering password. Click here for a detailed guide on passwordless login types, advantages & challenges.

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A user can access an IT or application scheme using passwordless authentication in passwordless login, which eliminates the need for users to enter passwords or provide answers to security concerns. Instead, the consumer provides an alternative type of proof, a proximity badge, such as a hardware token code or fingerprint. Passwordless authentication is widely used in combination with strong authentication and multi-factor authentication systems to improve user experience, increase security, and streamline and reduce the cost of IT operations.

Issue with passwords

Today’s digital workers use different applications to carry out their tasks. Users have a bewildering array of constantly changing passwords to remember and keep track of. Many users employ unsafe workarounds, including using the common or same passwordless login for all apps, choosing weak passwords, repeating passwords, or writing passwords on notes because they are overwhelmed by password sprawl. Cybercriminals can use poor password management techniques to launch attacks and steal private information. One of the most common reasons for data breaches is settled account credentials.

Advantages of passwordless authentication

  • Enhanced Cybersecurity Attitude

Said criminals may easily breach our current passwords. For example, many professional-utilize the same password for various applications. There is a high likelihood that if just one of these credentials is compromised (phishing), disclosed, or acquired (malware), cyber attackers will access many accounts and collect private IP, economic, or client information. From there, they can also monitor internal communications, commit financial fraud, post derogatory things on social media using the company’s identity, obtain access to the network, and reveal trade secrets. Passwordless authentication eliminates the associated risk and reduces credential theft and impersonation.

  • Improved output and improved user experience

Making and remembering hundreds of passwords becomes exhausting after a while. Additionally, changing a password when an employee forgets it is frequently cumbersome. So, it should come as no surprise when staff members choose the simplest passwords they can recall, use the same passwords across all platforms, or add a special character or a number when required to update their passwords every month. Users are no longer required to create passwords or learn them by heart, thanks to passwordless authentication. They can authenticate instead using their phone, email, or face.

  • Significantly reduced long-term expenses

Think about how much a business spends on password storage and maintenance. Please include the time IT devotes to password resets and addressing the frequently altering legal requirements for password storage. According to Forrester, US-based organizations budget over $1 million yearly for support expenses associated with passwords. Now add that to the time and effort spent finding and preventing password breaches, and you have a sizable annual expense that only rises with time. All of these expenses are eliminated by passwordless authentication. No more remembering passwords, resetting lost ones or worrying about new compliance regulations.

Types of passwordless authentication

  • Biometrics

Each person has unique physical characteristics. Without demanding a password, biometric authentication employs these distinctive physical characteristics to confirm that a person is who they claim to be. For instance, there is a low probability that two faces will be identical—less than one in a trillion—so facial recognition is useful for identifying people.

  • Magical links

In this type of passwordless authentication, the login box prompts the user to input their email address rather than a password. They receive an email with a URL that they can use to log in. Every time a user logs in, this procedure is repeated.

  • Push notifications

Users launch the authenticator app using a push notification they receive on their smartphones from a specific authenticator app (like Google Authenticator) to confirm their identity.

  • One-time codes/passwords

Unlike magic links, which need users to click a link, one-time passwords (OTPs) or one-time codes (OTCs) require users to enter a code that is sent to them (by email or SMS). Every time a user logs in, this procedure is repeated.


Passwordless authentication improves security by removing unsafe password management procedures and cutting down on attack points. Password and hidden fatigue are also eliminated, which enhances user experiences. There are no passwords or security question answers to memorize with passwordless authentication.

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What are the different types of passwordless authentication?

Email-based, SMS-based, multi-factor, biometric, and passwordless authentications are common passwordless authentication methods. One-time codes or magic links can be used to confirm a user’s identity when requesting authentication by email.

Is password-free identification a good idea?

Passwordless authentication improves security by eliminating unsafe password management procedures and cutting down on attack points. Password and hidden fatigue are also eliminated, which enhances user experiences.

Is authentication without a password more secure?

Without using a password in passwordless login, passwordless authentication can be used to confirm a user’s identity. Passwordless authentication employs more secure substitutes like ownership factors (such as registered smartphones with one-time passwords [OTP]) or biometrics (fingerprint and retina scans).

Is it possible to hack passwordless authentication?

Former employees, independent contractors, and third-party vendors were all targets of insider threats and attacks. Furthermore, a risk associated with passwordless authentication is identity management in passwordless login, which is not safe.

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