What Is Identity Proofing & How Does It Work?

Identity proofing methods are for verifying the identity of online users, with the goal of reducing instances of online fraud. Click now & read to know more about it!

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ID verification, especially digital identity verification, is crucial when registering a savings account, asking for a mortgage, or engaging in other financial activities to ensure the individual is who they say they are. KYC (Know Your Client) and AML (anti-money laundering) efforts, which evaluate and analyse client risk and are essential security instruments in the fight against new account fraud, are aided by identity verification.

What exactly does ‘virtual id verification’ mean?

The idea of identity verification is expanded to today’s remote context through virtual id verification. Organisations must recognise identity theft and determine if a person online is who they say they are due to the surge in data leaks, user organisations to gain, and impersonation, as well as a rise in the need for network capabilities by the COVID-19 epidemic.

Companies, governments, and financial institutions can authenticate a person’s identification online using other authentication technologies, including fingerprint security, face recognition, and digital ID document verification.

Even when the person is not visible, or their ID is not there, online identity verification may verify their identity. Online ID verification can be expedited by digital identification, for example, when passports are scanned at airport e-gates.

Both the onboarding of new clients and the creation of new accounts involve data verification. Banking firms can verify that an application is not from a thief, robber, malicious user, or anybody else attempting to deceive someone by validating the applicant’s identity.

How does the identification confirmation method work?

Systems for digital identity verification and id verification come in many shapes and sizes. When using a digital identity verification technique, a person’s  ID document is compared to a verified data set, such as details from a passport or a Computerised stored on the user’s authorised cell device. To confirm that a person is who they say they are, biometric identification confirmation analyses the information captured to the confirmed time series.

Biometric identity verification methods vary, and they all function differently. These strategies include:

  • KBA(Knowledge-based Authentication): Generates “out of wallet” queries based on the applicant’s credit file information.
  • Biometric Verification: Photographs are used in the biometric verification process to ensure that the individual submitting the Reference number is the same person whose picture is on it.
  • ID Document Verification: Verifies the authenticity of the ID (such as a driver’s licence, passport, or official ID).
  • Methods for managing databases: Database techniques verify the applicant’s information using information from offline databases, social media, and other sources.
  • Gradually introducing Recognition: Verifies the integrity of a selfie by spotting efforts at spoofing, such as using skin care products or photoshopped photographs.
  •  OTP Confirmation: During the verification process, a one-time passcode is sent to the applicant through email or text message.
  • Trusted Identification Network: Using the applicant’s current credentials from another vendor, the Trusted Identification Network verifies individual identification and removes obstacles to account opening and onboarding.

How can face Biometric data be utilised to verify digital identities and prevent fraud?

Face comparison compresses physical traits (such as the location and thickness of a person’s eyes) into a standardised dataset using complex techniques to gather computerised analytics from a visual picture. By examining databases, it is possible to tell if two photographs originated from an identical individual. Imagine that one picture comes from a well-before source (such as an ID or passport certificate that has been verified through legal research), and the other is a photoshopped image that was obtained of the petitioner at the juncture of their registration. In that situation, a face resemblance can confirm the presence of an applicant.

What is the aim of identity verification?

Virtual enrollment for fresh opening an account and borrowing is made possible by computerised proof of identity, enhancing customer engagement.

Prospective customers anticipate being able to sign up for an account online. Financial institutions like banks must thus make it simple to establish a virtual account on the web and through mobile devices.

Financial institutions must understand how to onboard a consumer remotely if they want to attract new customers through broadcast platforms. As a result, user identity verification must be included in many banking companies’ online capabilities. Companies will be in a better position to compete with established players in the industry and fresh challengers if they can accomplish this objective more quickly.

What benefits does digital identity verification provide?

  • Financial institutions can reduce fraud by utilising id verification online when a distant applicant or potential client is unknown.
  • Document verification may be completed rapidly (ranging from 5 minutes to 10 seconds, depending on the source).
  • Digital identity verification can assist financial organisations in complying with Know-Your-Customer (KYC) rules.
  • Everyone can use and have access to mobile image capture.
  • Data extraction directly from the paper eliminates the need for manual data entry.
  • Facial competition is performed in face biometric digital identity verification to validate that the individual presenting the ID matches the person on the ID document.
  • Excellent user experience is supplied entirely digitally, which may encourage growth in digital channels.


Now is the moment to consider utilising and maintaining these digital identities. Make sure you have the tools you need to handle this. Additionally, keep your customer in mind while you create your digital identity practices. Customer satisfaction is crucial. Last but not least, stay current on market news and research to be informed on verifying digital identification documents.

It won’t be long before biometrics, artificial intelligence, and digital identity advance to benefit customers, businesses, and regulators.


Why is identity proofing so crucial?

Online identity verification makes sure that a person is who they say they are. It prevents criminals from accessing someone’s sensitive information and exploiting it to do horrible acts without their consent. The procedure also stops persons from assuming phony identities or engaging in fraud.

How does identity proofing operate?

When using a digital identity verification technique, the person’s face biometric or ID document is compared to a confirmed data set, such as information from a passport or a biometric saved on the user’s registered mobile phone.

What serves as identification’s primary objective?

Accurate identification gives users choice over the type and volume of personal information disclosed, which is crucial for their informational autonomy. With proper identification, concerns about privacy and security in electronic business can be realised and supported.

What exactly are identification and verification?

Identification is just requiring consumers or users to provide identification documents to establish their identity. The verification procedure, on the other hand, entails determining whether or not identification data is connected with a specific individual, such as comparing an individual’s date of birth to an individual’s name.

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